Austin Real Estate Equity Investors
How can Austin real estate equity investors use the power of private equity to diversify their portfolios? Investing in an Austin real estate equity fund from Realty Capital Partners — headquartered in Dallas — provides clients with investment options for long-term assets that are not directly dependent on market performance.
Partnering with RCP for your real estate equity management in Austin TX means that you are able to access new opportunities that are often overlooked by the general public because they require too much capital from high net-worth individuals and are too small for institutional funds. Accredited investors trust RCP for their Austin real estate equity management because of our past performance, deep industry knowledge, and leadership within the financial industry. We are ready to provide you with the information and portfolio diversification you need to meet your financial goals.
Why Austin real estate equity investors choose RCP
RCP uses a limited partnership model, in which investors are considered as Class A Limited Partners in our Austin real estate equity fund. Accredited real estate equity investors in Austin TX choose to partner with us because we prioritize their interests. RCP is the real estate equity fund in Austin TX that focuses on:
- Markets with strong projected population and employment growth
- Competitive advantages in submarkets or asset classes with high barriers to entry
- Preservation of investor capital
- Portfolio diversification for investors
Investing in private equity real estate funds is a long-term proposition, in which clients’ assets are generally illiquid, committed to specific real estate projects over a targeted period of three to five years. However, private equity funds as a whole tend to outperform the general market, and they are not tied to the market index. This makes a private equity real estate fund a strong choice for portfolio diversification.
RCP is committed to providing high-quality opportunistic investment options for our Austin real estate equity investors. Our managers take the time to thoroughly vet opportunities, offering superior risk-adjusted investment options for our clients. Contact RCP today to learn more.